Modularack® Pro Natural Waterfall Deluxe Gondola Fixture (408 Bottle Rack) #WFG408DX-N Min 1

Modularack® Pro Natural Waterfall Deluxe Gondola Fixture (408 Bottle Rack) #WFG408DX-N Min 1

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This fixture stands away from the wall as an island. The Waterfall Gondola is basically two Waterfall units placed back-to-back. The result is four-bottle deep storage with 48 bottle display facings (24 on each side) and it is topped off with two 12" beveled top shelves (butted together) for 8 square feet of additional shelf display. At the top 48 bottles (24 per side) are tilted upward for retail display.

Normal Production Time
15 Working Days

Product Size
48 x 60 x 48

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Decoration Method: Laser engraved, ColorBlast™ Full Color

Packaging: Factory Boxed

Colors: Natural Wood Beige

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